In a world where terrifying monsters walk the earth, one heroic rooster is destined for greatness. When giant demons threaten the innocent, he’s going to show them who’s boss!
Keiji’s rescue of an imperiled town has inspired all who witnessed his heroic feat. Keiji’s, Elizabeth’s, and Chicken Little’s fame has begun to spread, even among other birds. When a group of pigeons challenges the pride of chickens everywhere, there’s only one way to defend it—a group date! But trouble follows Keiji everywhere he goes, and the appearance of a mysterious demon and a rooster claiming to be Keiji’s half-brother can only complicate things…
Keiji’s rescue of an imperiled town has inspired all who witnessed his heroic feat. Keiji’s, Elizabeth’s, and Chicken Little’s fame has begun to spread, even among other birds. When a group of pigeons challenges the pride of chickens everywhere, there’s only one way to defend it—a group date! But trouble follows Keiji everywhere he goes, and the appearance of a mysterious demon and a rooster claiming to be Keiji’s half-brother can only complicate things…