Follow the cute cartoon kitties of the super-popular Neko Atsume mobile game as they stalk through the seasons of the year, their misadventures captured in witty haiku.
Haiku for Cat Lovers
Follow the cute cartoon kitties of the Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector mobile game as they stalk through the seasons of the year, their misadventures captured in witty haiku.
Have you ever wondered what the Neko Atsume kitties get up to when they’re not playing with the toys you set out for them or leaving you fish…? Turn the inventive pages of this haiku almanac and find out!
Warning: Includes kitty stats, kitty bios, rare kitties, kitty shenanigans…and STICKERS!
Haiku for Cat Lovers
Follow the cute cartoon kitties of the Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector mobile game as they stalk through the seasons of the year, their misadventures captured in witty haiku.
Have you ever wondered what the Neko Atsume kitties get up to when they’re not playing with the toys you set out for them or leaving you fish…? Turn the inventive pages of this haiku almanac and find out!
Warning: Includes kitty stats, kitty bios, rare kitties, kitty shenanigans…and STICKERS!