In a postapocalyptic world, humanity has risen from the ashes of all-out nuclear war to a nightmare of endless suffering. It is a time of chaos. Warlords and gangs of savage marauders rule the broken ruins of civilization, terrorizing and enslaving the survivors. Life has become a brutal struggle for existence and death the only release.
Ken’s search for his lost brother Toki has led him to the gates of the notorious prison known as Cassandra, the City of Wailing Demons. Finding Toki means plunging into the depths of the horror-filled prison, but before he can do that, Ken must take on its formidable warden Uyghur. Butt even if Toki can be found and freed, he is not the last of the martial artist brothers whose ultimate fate is intertwined with Ken’s!
Ken’s search for his lost brother Toki has led him to the gates of the notorious prison known as Cassandra, the City of Wailing Demons. Finding Toki means plunging into the depths of the horror-filled prison, but before he can do that, Ken must take on its formidable warden Uyghur. Butt even if Toki can be found and freed, he is not the last of the martial artist brothers whose ultimate fate is intertwined with Ken’s!